Thursday, March 25, 2010

Three Little Pigs - Poem

Three little pigs left their mother
and set off all together.
They want to find their own destiny
in the hope of independency.

The first little pig built a straw house,
sure that that was a sturdy house.
He was glad and proud of itself
and spent the day enjoying itself.

The second little pig built a stick house,
and sure there won't be any louse.
He went to bed and slept through the day
thinking he was great, feeling gay.

The third little pig built a brick house,
sure that it would keep out mouse.
He was sure that he was safe
from wolves that weren't his fave.

Then the wolf came to haunt them,
big and bad and caused mayhem.
He huffed and puffed
and the straw house crashed after a sough.

to be continued

1 comment:

  1. That's a very nice poem. When is the second part arriving?

    Globe Trekker 595
