Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dunman High Maths and Science Olympiad Camp (2 and 3 June) and HCI Camp (22 June)

At Dunman High, there were 'Nerdy Ah Ma' (Oh Hui Xian) and 'Rachel Ah Ma' (Rachel Huang). And there were more Science activities than Maths activities. Then, there was this weird guy called 'Dart' (or Tart?)

Interestingly, the overall winning group of the camp activities received only 2 trophies for the school and nothing else. But for the small activities, the winning group got some vouchers. Well, at least I received $20 worth of Popular vouchers.

HCI Camp ... ... supposed to be 'bi-cultural'. Except for the explanations during the activities, it was all English! And 2 HCI guys (1 nicknamed 黑人 [Black Man] by friends) said '凶兆' (bad omen) in a tone that everyone knows that they were referring to '胸罩' (bra).

Seriously, I prefer the Dunman Maths and Science Olympiad Camp because it was so much more interesting that the HCI Camp because we went with the Maths HOD for the former and the other guys were making the camp much more interesting and the people there were friendlier. The food in the latter event is terrible because they offered only 1 kind of food in every meal.

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