Thursday, August 20, 2009

PSLE Oral Today

As the title goes, PSLE Oral was today. However, it was the English one first. The teachers said that it was a micro picture. However, there were so many people. But if you study hard enough, there were only 2 points. But there's literally nothing to say!!!!
No time to write too much, so I will write in a while later. There's still the mother tongue paper tomorrow! And it's also my birthday.
Happy birthday to me (and Usain Bolt)!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Dunman High Maths and Science Olympiad Camp (2 and 3 June) and HCI Camp (22 June)

At Dunman High, there were 'Nerdy Ah Ma' (Oh Hui Xian) and 'Rachel Ah Ma' (Rachel Huang). And there were more Science activities than Maths activities. Then, there was this weird guy called 'Dart' (or Tart?)

Interestingly, the overall winning group of the camp activities received only 2 trophies for the school and nothing else. But for the small activities, the winning group got some vouchers. Well, at least I received $20 worth of Popular vouchers.

HCI Camp ... ... supposed to be 'bi-cultural'. Except for the explanations during the activities, it was all English! And 2 HCI guys (1 nicknamed 黑人 [Black Man] by friends) said '凶兆' (bad omen) in a tone that everyone knows that they were referring to '胸罩' (bra).

Seriously, I prefer the Dunman Maths and Science Olympiad Camp because it was so much more interesting that the HCI Camp because we went with the Maths HOD for the former and the other guys were making the camp much more interesting and the people there were friendlier. The food in the latter event is terrible because they offered only 1 kind of food in every meal.

Questions Worth Pondering About from Brainiac

Some questions worth pondering about from Brainiac: Science Abuse:
1. If you have only one eye, do you wink or do you blink?
2. Why is the word abbreviated so long?
3. Why is the fear of long words called hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia?

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Moving Story

In a village in Africa, there lived a tribe. The tribe's people were Christians, and anti-Christian tribes have been attacking the tribe for years.
There lived a pastor and his wife who had a baby. On a certain Sunday, the pastor brought his baby to their two-storey church for the first time.
Halfway through the church service, gunmen stormed into the church and a man, who looked like the leader of the gang, demanded, “Everybody freeze!”
The people in the church were all startled and all of them did not even dare to utter a word. All except the pastor and his wife. The pastor continued serving sermons while the wife continued listening intently.
The leader, infuriated by the pastor and his wife, went to the pastor wife and held her by her hair. However, seeing the baby in her hands, he let go of the woman.
He snatched the baby from her hands and down went the baby to the ground. The pastor continued serving his sermons while the wife did not react to the incident.
The leader dragged the wife to a side of the church and he started to rape her. The people in the church could only watch in horror, but the pastor did not stop serving sermons.
Once the leader had finished raping the wife, he left with his men.
The wife wore her torn clothes and sat back at her seat, continuing to listen to her husband.
It was noon. The pastor had finally finished his sermons and it was only then when the wife broke down. The people of the church asked her intently, “Why didn’t you seek revenge on the gunmen?”
The wife replied, “Since things have already happened, let it be.”

Sunday, March 8, 2009

First 2 train rides of the year!

Khatib to Woodlands: 015/016

Met my classmate who is in the same class as me for four years. At Khatib, 009/010 was on the southbound platform. At Yishun, there was a train which overshot the station.

Woodlands to Khatib: 033/034

033/034 pulled in so fast that the piston effect almost made the plastic bag I was holding fly. On the northbound platform, there were 2 C651s that arrived one after another.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

After Exams

Yah, exams are totally just one word: STRESS! After exams, everything is not back to normal! It is just as normal. Still busy rushing here and there. But very soon, I will get to sit a train!

CA1 English

Can anyone tell me if this is a coincidence?

I dreamt that i got 80.5 for my CA1 English. Then, when I got back my results, it was 79! But 2 marks were missing due to a miscalculation at Synthesis and Transformation and it became 81! There was 0.5 marks more!

I also dreamt of a 85 for my Maths? I'm aiming for A*!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Boon Lay Extension

On 21 February 2009, over 3000 people flocked the 2 BLE (Boon Lay Extension) stations. I didn't go that day. I think I will go only in next year.

Have heard that it wasn't very crowded though.

On the same day, at Ang Mo Kio Station, I have no idea how many people queued up to apply for a job for SMRT.

No Train Rides

Yes, my previous train ride was on 28 December 2008 and my last bus ride was also quite long ago. I think I will only sit on a train in March.


Hello everybody.

As you should know, I am a train fan (see header) and I am very interested in trains. However, I just know the basics of trains and nothing else. This is just a simple blog. Please do not mind.
